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December 5, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
December 5, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY12 Warrant #12
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

November 21, 2011 Regular Meeting- Edie moved to approve the minutes. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
November 16, 2011 Special Session- Edie moved to approve the minutes. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Tax Classification Hearing
The hearing opened at 5:10 pm.  Assessor Tim Hammond asked to reconvene the hearing at the next Selectmen’s meeting. Stan moved to adjourn and reconvene the hearing on December 19, 2011 at 5:15 pm. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

WRSD Superintendent Dr. Pandiscio – Partnership of 21st Century Schools & Request for STM
Dr. Pandiscio discussed ideas on alternative teaching methods and said he believes important that students are taught critical skills to properly navigate the web. He provided articles on hybrid and online high schools and suggested the idea of Thomas Prince School becoming a hybrid school. Raymond believes technology can enhance learning; however he does not want to give up traditional education. Additional discussion on a pilot program for TPS will take place in the future.
Edie asked why the iPad was chosen for use in district schools.  Dr. Pandiscio explained that the school needs wireless internet access and the iPad has certain features that will save time in the classroom as opposed to using a laptop. It costs more initially when compared to similar devices, though he believes in the long run it’s likely to cost less. The device has the ability to teach technology and problem solving skills. The five year plan includes iPads for 8th and 9th grade students to use in social studies, and also to offer a laptop leasing program to high school students. There will not be a Special Town Meeting in January.

Planning Board Request to Appoint Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee
Jerry Gannelli reported that the Planning Board received approval at the May, 2011 Annual Town Meeting to attain technical assistance from CMPRC for the Post Office Place/Worcester Road project. CMRPC recommends assembling a Project Advisory Committee to do preliminary work and define boundaries. The goal is to begin work in December and finalize in April.  Jerry provided a list of recommended candidates and asked the board to appoint the residents on the list. Stan wants to ensure the committee makes decisions based on what’s best for the town, not only the proposed area. Jerry assured him the Planning Board is aware of that which is why they requested to have him and Tom Daly serve on the new committee.  Edie moved to appoint the following people to the Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee: Sean Conway, Hickory Dr; Russell Mason, Merriam Rd., Deborah Bradway-Cassidy, Worcester Rd.; Joe Bellucci, Redwood Dr.; Phil Mighdoll, Redemption Rock Trail N.; Tom Daly, Boylston Ave.; Jerry Gannelli, Sharon Dr. and Ken Knowles, Worcester Rd; all for a term to expire on June 30, 2012. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Appoint Election Officers
Edie moved to appoint William Lawton and Jon Fudeman as Election Officers for a term to expire on July 31, 2012. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Review FY12 Short & Long Terms Goals
Raymond read the short and long term goals for FY12. Goals will be attached to the minutes.

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
John reported that the contract was signed. The roof job will begin quickly.  The contractor is allowed 160 days to complete project.

Thomas Prince School PCB Project
John talked with the consultant today, a report and plan of action will be submitted to the EPA.

Ambulance On-call Readiness
John Bennett asked the board to extend the program for an additional three months which will guarantee coverage at all times. Mutual aid calls are decreased with this program. Stan moved to extend the program to provide the $50 stipend for Paramedics and EMTs from December 6, 2011 through the end of the fiscal year. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0). John Bennett will provide an update at the March 12 meeting.  
The board agreed to allow the Fire Department to place cots in the back room of the Annex for storm coverage provided they notify John Lebeaux in advance.

Other Business
Raymond reported that negotiations with candidate Paul Rekos have ended due to a family medical emergency. The screening process will continue in the near future.

Public Comment
Jerry Gannelli asked about the status of regional dispatch. Raymond said that Holden is going through a study at this time and Princeton has been focused on the full time fire chief. The intent is to move forward in the future.

Executive Session
At 6:49 pm Edie moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(2), to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel, and not to reconvene into open session.  All were in favor by roll call. Raymond yes; Edie yes; Stan; yes.
Raymond advised that the board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to negotiations since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. The board will not reconvene in open session.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:37 pm. All were in favor.    

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:
Worcester Rd Project Advisory List
Selectmen Short and Long Term Goals

Town of Princeton
Select Board
Long & Short Term Goals

  • Hire and acclimate a full-time Fire Chief. Support that Chief’s efforts to conduct a strategic assessment of current Fire/EMS/Emergency Management system and to set goals for the department’s future development.
  • Complete the Thomas Prince School’s Green Repair and PCB projects in a timely and cost-effective manner.
  • Work with the Roads Advisory Committee on implementation of the recommendations of the Route 140 Task Force and ongoing maintenance of major numbered routes through Princeton.
  • Continue to implement the recommendations of the auditor.
  • Begin the disposition of unproductive Town-owned assets.
  • Undertake a third-party review of Town’s Information Technology systems and create a unified plan of the system’s future development.

LONG TERM GOALS (3-5 years)

  • Continue to assess the declining enrollment situation related to the Thomas Prince School.
  • Support an ongoing Public Safety Committee and analyze facility needs of Public Safety departments.
  • Support at best speed the Route 140 Safety Task Force ad the Road Advisory Committee’s efforts to access state and federal support to make improvements to Route 140.
  • Continue to examine and address issues concerning future unfunded liabilities.
  • Create a log-term plan for the Town Hall Campus.
  • Investigate the consolidation of stipend-based positions into the part-time and full-time employee infrastructure.